Monday, May 23, 2016

Narrative Text: The Worst and The Worth

In thousands years ago, there was a kingdom named Dreece. Dreece was led by a kind, wise and handsome King, Victor and his queen, Alveeba. Their young prince was Adrian who was tall, white skin, blue eyes and handsome. Sadly he was arrogant, selfish and rude. Castle’s servants were afraid and dislike him whom extremely opposite towards his parents.
One day the sky was bright to hunt. Adrian went out to hunt with some warriors. They had been hunting for 2 hours. Many times Adrian was attacked by wild animal, but he could handle it and kill them. A beautiful deer made him interested and followed it. Separated from his warriors, he got lost and found a small shelter.
Adrian took a rest and did not realize an old lady whose shelter was used by him. Felt uncomfortable, she woke him up. Adrian was surprised and got angry.
“Hey old lady, how dare you are. Don’t you know I’m a prince of this kingdom? You deserve to get the punishment!  Hahahahaha.” Adrian insulted her.
“Hey arrogant boy. That’s my shelter. You should say thanks to me. And one more, whoever you are I don’t care. You should go away.” The old lady scolded him back.
Adrian smirked and took a pouch of coin then he threw it up. “Thanks.” He walked out and let her alone.
Suddenly, the wind blew hardly and span around the old lady then her body shone and turned into a beautiful young girl who wore a cone black hat and held a magic stick. Adrian turned back and stunned on what he saw.
“Hallo Adrian my name is Bella the witch.” Then Bella closed her eyes and swung her stick while saying magic words. “Cikola lalakobo gugu alakace dem dem.” Adrian turned into a terrible creature called Troogan.  That’s the result of your arrogance. You will never turn into a human until you find your true love, hahahaha.” Bella got lost in sudden.
Adrian cried hard and remembered the story about ‘Beauty and The Beast’ and ‘Frog Prince’. Then he came to another kingdom to find a princess. He entered the princess’ castle and saw a girl. The girl screamed while Adrian tried to calm her down and ask her to kiss him.
“That’s impossible. What can I get from you after this?” the girl asked for the compensation.
“I will marry you and pick you up to my castle. Trust me please. I’m a real prince.” His explanation seemed to be hopeless.
The girl kissed him. Unfortunately, the girl

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Technology and Education in Collaboration

The twentieth generations are the luckiest who already enjoyed all of the simplicity. There is no fog if there is no fire. All of those simplicity comes from the phenomenal invention, technology. As well as we know, technology has generated many kinds of machine we used today. Those variants of technology ease all aspects of life such as communication, economic, education and so on. Besides making things easier, they caused side effect. If we talk about education, we will find that technology affect it much. The three of technology are Hand phone, Computer and internet.
Reference vs Copy-paste
            All of the proposal, thesis, essay, article and many written form that students are asked to do, the reference we need is on our hand. The students are allowed to take quotes or statement from expert freely as their references. All they need is computer and the magic ‘copy-paste’. Nowadays we can’t differentiate whether they actually learn from the source or they just copy-paste it then leave. We as the teacher insist to control and limit their source. Make sure they stick the material around their head by conducting question and answer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Yulin Festival

China is one of big countries with biggest population growth and has great power in the world. As long as we know, many inventions are made in China such as  , laptop and many useful machine. Beside the goodness, it also has dark side actually that we don’t know and just revealed to public. In one of provinces, Guangxi, there is a terrible festival named Yulin. Yulin is a festival which dogs and cats are treated badly. This hot news will be the topic and lest see the cause and effects.
The news of Yulin Festival spreads very fast especially in social media. The articles mention that for the festival people even steal dogs and cats from many houses then they are gathered in one place. The innocent pets are punished; they are boiled and skinned without pity. Finally people around slaughter and eat them. People seem to be cruel and losing their moral. Before, the pets which have cut out and skinned are sold to seller to be meat and even there are restaurants compete to buy the meat and make it crispy or others attractive menu and being No.1 in that festival. This festival is held annually since years ago in that place only like a tradition.
Despite it is done like a tradition in particular place, public find there are no reason or sacral even that ask to do this. They make it fun of. The animals, in this case, dogs and cats are losing their right to live freely. If  all of the countries do the same festival, the population of dogs and cats will be lost and threaten.
The consequence, after knowing the issue, public start to against. People disagree of inappropriate treatment of the innocent dogs and cats. This case almost doesn’t have positive side, so many foundation which care of the pets and supported by international make a petition to against and stop Yulin Festival. People who heard this issue will cry hard after watching the video of Yulin in You Tube. New people agree easily to sign the petition day by day. The petition is made for the government which is forced to end this cruel festival.
In conclusion, Yulin is the terrible festival for dogs and cats. Every tiny creature even never dream to be treated like that. People realize that issue and start to against and stop it. The way is makes petition for government in that province. We hope there is no harassment of animal anymore because they are part of our life and have the right to live freely without fearness. Don’t do the strange tradition easily, try to see from another and different point of view and protect animals.